
What’s up at Nevomo?

Nevomo parts in the Dutch Hyperloop Development Program


Nevomo has been invited to participate in the Dutch Hyperloop Development Program - a venture with total funding of EUR 30 million. The work will result in, e.g. construction of the European Hyperloop Center and the development of hyperloop technology as a fast and emission-free transport solution.

The Hyperloop Development Program is an R&D project aimed at accelerating work on the development of hyperloop technology. Leading global industry players and institutions that have been involved in the vacuum rail development have been invited to participate.

- The invitation to this project is not only a distinction for us but above all, it confirms that our technology works and the progress is noticed in Europe and plays an important role in the process of building groundbreaking solutions for transport - comments Przemek Pączek, Nevomo’s CEO.

The company will be responsible for designing key elements of propulsion, power, and control systems, within the working group preparing the concept of the system for cargo transportation – so-called cargoloop.

- With its expertise, Nevomo can make a valuable contribution in R&D activities on, specifically, motor and power electronics design, to be performed in the Cargo Work Group - adds Jeroen in 't Veld, Chairman of the Hyperloop Development Program.

The program is funded by the Dutch government and a consortium of research companies and will last three years. In addition to Nevomo, project participants include Dutch Railways, TATA Steel, Royal Schiphol Group, TÜV Rheinland, and Hardt Hyperloop.

The total amount allocated for the program implementation is 30 mln euros, of which 4.5 mln is a government grant.

Additional financial support for the project has also been provided by the province of Groningen in the Netherlands, on which premises a test facility - the European Development Center - will be built in 2022. The complex will feature Europe's first 2.6-km-long track with a diameter of 1.4m, which will enable tests of magnetic levitation, cornering and high-speed emergency braking.

The Hyperloop Development Program is an R&D project aimed at accelerating work on the development of hyperloop technology. Leading global industry players and institutions that have been involved in the vacuum rail development have been invited to participate.

- The invitation to this project is not only a distinction for us but above all, it confirms that our technology works and the progress is noticed in Europe and plays an important role in the process of building groundbreaking solutions for transport - comments Przemek Pączek, Nevomo’s CEO.

The company will be responsible for designing key elements of propulsion, power, and control systems, within the working group preparing the concept of the system for cargo transportation – so-called cargoloop.

- With its expertise, Nevomo can make a valuable contribution in R&D activities on, specifically, motor and power electronics design, to be performed in the Cargo Work Group - adds Jeroen in 't Veld, Chairman of the Hyperloop Development Program.

The program is funded by the Dutch government and a consortium of research companies and will last three years. In addition to Nevomo, project participants include Dutch Railways, TATA Steel, Royal Schiphol Group, TÜV Rheinland, and Hardt Hyperloop.

The total amount allocated for the program implementation is 30 mln euros, of which 4.5 mln is a government grant.

Additional financial support for the project has also been provided by the province of Groningen in the Netherlands, on which premises a test facility - the European Development Center - will be built in 2022. The complex will feature Europe's first 2.6-km-long track with a diameter of 1.4m, which will enable tests of magnetic levitation, cornering and high-speed emergency braking.

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